Ron Zelazo
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Marilyn Ziering
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Jerome Zimmerman
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Jane Zimmerman
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Ron Zimmerman
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Edward Julius Stern
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Karen R Adler
Jewish Communal Fund
Jerry Cohen
Jewish Communal Fund
Leslie Fastenberg
Jewish Communal Fund
Zoya Raynes Friedman
Jewish Communal Fund
B Z Halberstam
Jewish Communal Fund
Terri Herenstein
Jewish Communal Fund
Teena Lerner
Jewish Communal Fund
Ezra G Levin
Jewish Communal Fund
Michael Lustig
Jewish Communal Fund
Jenny Lyss
Jewish Communal Fund
Beth Goldberg Nash
Jewish Communal Fund
Suzanne Peck
Jewish Communal Fund
Susan Shay
Jewish Communal Fund
David Z Solomon
Jewish Communal Fund