Stewart W Bainum Jr
Biden for President (2008)
Jeffrey Katzenberg
Biden for President (2008)
Louis B Susman
US Department of State
Tony Blinken
US Department of State
Jack Lew
US Department of State
Anthony Lake
US Department of State
Francis Fukuyama
US Department of State
William S Farish III
US Department of State
Mikal Carter Watts
Biden for President (2008)
Alan C Kessler
Biden for President (2008)
Barry M Gosin
Biden for President (2008)
Robert A. Lovett
US Department of State
Eric Mindich
Biden for President (2008)
Robert Gallucci
US Department of State
Charles W. Freeman, Jr.
US Department of State
Thomas R Pickering
US Department of State
David Jacobson
US Department of State
Cofer Black
US Department of State
Hank Levine
US Department of State
Hugo Llorens
US Department of State