AWARDS Each year at the National Forum on Education Policy, Education Commission of the States presents awards to persons, states and organizations that have made significant contributions to public education. JAMES BRYANT CONANT AWARD Named for the co-founder of Education Commission of the States and former president of Harvard University, the James Bryant Conant Award recognizes outstanding individual contributions to American education. The award was established in 1977 to memorialize Conant, a pivotal figure in the education reforms of the 1950s and ‘60s that continue to shape schools today. The honor is bestowed upon individuals whose efforts and service create a pronounced and lasting influence on American education and have demonstrated a commitment to improving education across the country in significant ways such as: J Providedleadershipongroundbreakingtaskforcesorcommittees. J Published works and/or conducted research that profoundly influenced thinking on public education in the United States and/or had a substantial impact on policy. J Shepherdedgroundbreakingeducationreformthroughthelegislativeprocess. J Demonstrated exemplary service as a public figure or elected official deeply involved in improving education for all. FRANK NEWMAN AWARD FOR STATE INNOVATION The Frank Newman Award for State Innovation recognizes states and territories for enacting innovative education reforms or implementing innovative programs that go beyond marginal or incremental changes to improve student outcomes on a large scale. In 2005, the award was renamed in honor of the late Frank Newman, who served as president of Education Commission of the States for 14 years. The award recognizes a state for any of the following: J Educationimprovementeffortsthatarereplicableandholdvaluablelessonsforotherstates. J Bold and courageous policies, including existing approaches with evidence of significant impact on student achievement in the state. J Policiesorprogramsthathavebipartisan,broad-basedsupport. EDUCATION COMMISSION OF THE STATES CORPORATE AWARD Education Commission of the States Corporate Award honors nonprofit organizations and for-profit corporations that have demonstrated a sustained commitment to, and investment in, improving public education, particularly efforts that reach those currently not well-served by the educational system. The award was created under the leadership of former Wyoming Gov. Jim Geringer, who served as the 1999–2000 Education Commission of the States Chair. The Corporate Award is presented to organizations or companies that: J SupportimprovementthatisconsistentwithEducationCommissionoftheStates’priorities. J Supportpromisingpracticestoimprovestudentoutcomes. J Enjoybroad-basedsupportinthestatesorcommunitiesinwhichtheyoperate. | @EdCommission  Past Award WINNERS Past Award WINNERS JAMES BRYANT CONANT AWARD 2019 AJ Crabill 2018 Bill Haslam 2017 Lowell Milken 2016 Sal Khan 2015 William L. Sanders 2014 Marc Tucker 2013 Gene Wilhoit 2012 E.D. Hirsch 2011 Ted Kolderie 2010 Linda Darling-Hammond 2009 Kati Haycock 2008 Ron Wolk 2007 Gaston Caperton 2006 Nancy S. Grasmick 2005 Sharon Lynn Kagan 2004 Thurgood Marshall and John H. Stelle 2003 Roy Romer 2002 Robert P. Moses 2001 Fred Rogers 2000 John Goodlad 1999 Frank Newman 1998 Robert Slavin 1997 Claiborne Pell 1996 John W. Gardner 1995 Richard W. Riley 1994 Ernest L. Boyer 1993 Wilhelmina Delco 1992 Theodore R. Sizer 1991 James P. Comer 1989 Fred M. Hechinger 1988 Lamar Alexander 1987 Marian Wright Edelman 1986 Harold Howe II 1985 Terrel H. Bell and David P. Gardner 1984 James B. Hunt Jr. 1983 Carl Perkins 1982 John Brademas 1981 Terry Sanford 1980 Ralph Tyler 1979 Francis Keppel 1978 Joan Ganz Cooney 1977 Benjamin Mays FRANK NEWMAN AWARD FOR STATE INNOVATION 2019 Idaho 2018 Tennessee 2017 Hawaii 2016 Mississippi 2015 Kentucky 2014 Illinois 2013 Delaware 2012 New Hampshire 2011 New England Secondary School Consortium 2010 Ohio 2009 Tennessee 2008 North Dakota 2007 Alaska 2006 Kentucky 2005 Florida and Utah 2004 North Carolina and South Carolina 2003 Maryland 2002 Alabama and Texas 2001 Georgia 2000 Connecticut 1999 North Carolina 1998 Oregon EDUCATION COMMISSION OF THE STATES CORPORATE AWARD 2019 The Tennessee School Boards Association 2018 The IBM Foundation 2017 Unum 2016 Newseum 2013 Scholastic 2012 GE Foundation 2011 ExxonMobil 2010 AT&T 2009 Project Lead The Way 2008 Simon Youth Foundation 2007 Pearson 2006 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) 2005 Hewlett Packard Company 2004 MBNA Corporation 2003 Intel Corporation and Washington Mutual 2002 State Farm Insurance Companies 2001 MetLife and MetLife Foundation | @EdCommission