Cynthia Marcotte
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Julia Vlock
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Thomas W Abendroth
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Carlos Menendez
Chuck Schumer
Emily Rapoport
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
David Rapoport
Richard Blumenthal
Michael Fisch
Chuck Schumer
Todd Holland
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Mary Rae Thewlis
PAC to the Future
Barbara L Berman
Democratic National Committee
Michele Lefkowitz
PAC to the Future
Richard Gurtler
Democratic National Committee
Javaid Anwar
Chris Van Hollen
Ashley Pritzker
Democratic National Committee
Wolfgang Wander
Democratic National Committee
Peter Kakoyiannis
Chuck Schumer
Jeanette D Garvey
Ohio Democratic Party
Michael S Garvey
Ohio Democratic Party
Ephrat Ofer
Chuck Schumer
Nina Vinik
Cory Booker