Lawrence S. Eagleburger served as the 62nd U.S. Secretary of State under President George H.W. Bush. A career diplomat, Eagleburger held numerous high-ranking positions in the presidential administrations of both Republicans and Democrats. Eagleburger has received a number of awards for his government service including, in 1992, the Department of State’s Distinguished Service Award—the department’s highest honor. In 1994, he received an honorary knighthood from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. His first marriage ended in divorce in 1963. In 1966 he married Marlene Ann Heinemann of the Heinemann Bakeries family of Milwaukee. He had one son by his first marriage and two by second. All three are named Lawrence. When asked by The Washington Post why all were named Lawrence, he replied: “It was ego. And secondly, I wanted to screw up the Social Security system.” The sons use their middle names, Scott, Andrew and Jason. In addition to his sons, he is survived by a sister, Jean Case, of Las Vegas, and three grandchildren.