People Have Given To
People with positions in Abrams Capital Management, LLC have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
Steny Hoyer | $2,000 | David C Abrams |
Rodney P Frelinghuysen | $2,000 | David C Abrams |
George Miller | $1,500 | David C Abrams |
Marco Rubio | $1,400 | David C Abrams |
Rubio Victory Cmte | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Barbara Boxer | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Bob Casey | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Norm Coleman | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Susan Collins | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Russ Feingold | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Orrin Hatch | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Paul Hodes | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
John Kerry | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Mary Landrieu | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Carl Levin | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Mitch McConnell | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Bob Menendez | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Lisa Murkowski | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Bill Nelson | $1,000 | David C Abrams |
Ben Nelson | $1,000 | David C Abrams |