Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Frederick Fox also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Tatnall Lea Hillman Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Alan L Keyes, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul
Harold Berenson Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
Dian Graves Stai Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Mitt Romney, Christine O'Donnell, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul
Cary Katz Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Mitt Romney, Christine O'Donnell, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul
Warren B Galkin Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Mitt Romney, Christine O'Donnell, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul
Randy Kendrick Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
Paul J Schierl Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul
Anthony Bryant Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Mitt Romney, Christine O'Donnell, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul
Michael Keiser Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Mitt Romney, Alan L Keyes, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul
Marc Goldman Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
Ron Cameron Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Romney Victory
John Catsimatidis Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
Richard Sugden Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
Joseph McLaughlin Herman Cain, Pat Toomey, Mitt Romney, Christine O'Donnell, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
Robert Pence Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
George Conway Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Alan L Keyes, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
Paul Reid Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
George G Daniels Herman Cain, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Christine O'Donnell, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul
Elloine Clark Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory
Edward Nahin Robinson Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Pat Toomey, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rand Paul, Romney Victory