Julia Vlock
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Thomas W Abendroth
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Carlos Menendez
Chuck Schumer
Emily Rapoport
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Michael Fisch
Chuck Schumer
Todd Holland
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Barbara L Berman
Democratic National Committee
Richard Gurtler
Democratic National Committee
Barbara Bramble
Emily's List
Javaid Anwar
Chris Van Hollen
Ashley Pritzker
Democratic National Committee
Marian F Pritzker
Dick Durbin
Fred Pritzker
Democratic National Committee
Christopher Pasko
Amy Klobuchar
Wolfgang Wander
Democratic National Committee
Jeanette D Garvey
Ohio Democratic Party
Michael S Garvey
Ohio Democratic Party
Bruce A Fogerty
Susan Collins
Ephrat Ofer
Chuck Schumer
Angie Bastian
Amy Klobuchar