Retired Professor, Colorado State University; held hostage in Lebanon for 6 years
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Tom McNee Sutherland also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Michael Holloman Elizabeth Helen Markey, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean, Stanley Matsunaka
John W Rogers Jr Mark Udall, Paul Wellstone, Thomas Lee Strickland, Al Franken
Beth Meltzer Paul Wellstone, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean
Christian F Bastian Mark Udall, Al Franken, Elizabeth Helen Markey, Democracy for America
Blanca O'Leary Mark Udall, Thomas Lee Strickland, Elizabeth Helen Markey, Joan Fitz-Gerald
Marcia K Robinson Mark Udall, Thomas Lee Strickland, Elizabeth Helen Markey, Stanley Matsunaka
Josephine A Merck Mark Udall, Paul Wellstone, Al Franken, MoveOn.Org Political Action
Linda Jacobs Paul Wellstone, Thomas Lee Strickland, Al Franken, MoveOn.Org Political Action
Arthur Best Thomas Lee Strickland, Elizabeth Helen Markey, Stanley Matsunaka, Andrew Romanoff
Judith-Ann Corrente Mark Udall, Al Franken, Elizabeth Helen Markey, Joan Fitz-Gerald
James S Crown Mark Udall, Paul Wellstone, Thomas Lee Strickland, Howard Dean
Alfred B Engelberg Mark Udall, Thomas Lee Strickland, Al Franken, Howard Dean
James L Brooks Mark Udall, Al Franken, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean
Shamaya Gilo Paul Wellstone, Al Franken, Elizabeth Helen Markey, MoveOn.Org Political Action
Weston F Milliken Thomas Lee Strickland, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean
Ronald M Ansin Mark Udall, Thomas Lee Strickland, Al Franken, Howard Dean
Willem Kooyker Mark Udall, Al Franken, Elizabeth Helen Markey, Joan Fitz-Gerald
Daniel E Levin Mark Udall, Paul Wellstone, Thomas Lee Strickland, Al Franken
Kevin Block-Schwenk Paul Wellstone, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean
Jack Block Al Franken, Democracy for America, MoveOn.Org Political Action, Howard Dean
Tom McNee Sutherland
Updated about 9 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Academic
Gender Male
Birthday May 3 '31