Professor, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from John H Flowers also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Eric S Dobkin Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Nancy J Stara Bob Kerrey, Scott Michael Kleeb, Maxine B Moul
Donald L Fowler Sr Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Francis Greenburger Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Charles Binder Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Scott Michael Kleeb
Mitchell Draizin Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Scott Michael Kleeb
Barbara Gural Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Scott Michael Kleeb
Irwin Mark Jacobs Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Jeffrey A Jacobs Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Celerie Kemble Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Willard J Overlock, Jr Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Phillip Rooney Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Victor B MacFarlane Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Blaine V Fogg Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Robert A Katz Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Jeff Bleich Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Scott Michael Kleeb
Craig Kaplan Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Scott Michael Kleeb
Daniel J Beller Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Scott Michael Kleeb
Cindy Harrell-Horn Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
Antoinette Cook Bush Bob Kerrey, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee
John H Flowers
Updated almost 10 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Academic