Stuart Eizenstat
US Department of State, Brookings Institute
Christopher Ford
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, National Security Council
Stephen J Hadley
US Department of State, National Security Council
Thomas Higgins
National Security Council, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Robert S Gelbard
Barack Obama, US Department of State
Harold Hongju Koh
US Department of State, Brookings Institute
Yleem Poblete
US Department of State, National Security Council
Kiron Skinner
US Department of State, National Security Council
Elbridge Colby
Office of the Director of National Intelligence, WestExec Advisors
Jonathan Elkind
National Security Council, Brookings Institute
Brad Hansell
National Security Council, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Gina K Abercrombie-Winstanley
Joe Biden, National Security Council
James B Steinberg
US Department of State, Brookings Institute
David L Goldwyn
US Department of State, Brookings Institute
Jim Woolsey
National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency
Jami Miscik
National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency
Mike Pompeo
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Robert Muse Bass
Brookings Institute
David Rubenstein
Brookings Institute
Ted Turner
Nuclear Threat Initiative