Person | Common Orgs |
Jessica Mulligan Hatcher | Finsbury Glover Hering |
One of The Glover Park Group’s first employees who joined the firm in 2002, Jenny Murphy is a Senior Vice President in the Strategic Communications division, specializing in communications and media outreach strategies for a range of high-profile clients. She opened GPG’s Los Angeles office and has helped grow the firm’s entertainment-related business, working with clients including Participant Media, Warner Brothers, HBO, and Paramount Pictures to position films and other content with influential audiences. During her tenure at GPG, Murphy has worked with a wide range of clients, including Microsoft, the Hewlett Foundation, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Ford Motor Company and the Justice Project. Prior to joining GPG, Murphy served as an Account Executive for Fenton Communications, a progressive communications and advocacy firm, where she often worked on coalition-led environmental issues. She developed and implemented communications strategies for a variety of clients, including Environmental Media Services, SeaWeb, and Center for an Accessible Society. During the 2000 presidential election cycle, she served as a producer for, a political activism Web site, where she developed content on a wide range of public policy and social issues. Prior to that, she worked at the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Murphy graduated magna cum laude from Middlebury College, with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.
Person | Common Orgs |
Jessica Mulligan Hatcher | Finsbury Glover Hering |