Artistic director, Steppenwolf Theatre Company
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Martha Lavey also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Lisa R Engel Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Stanley R Zanarotti Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
James A Bell Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
Nancy J Hutson Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Joby Pritzker Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Byron Georgiou Barack Obama, Alexander Giannoulias, Thomas Geoghegan
ABBY MCCORMICK O'NEIL Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Thomas Geoghegan
Michael Oren Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Andrew Tobias Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
Curtis Darrow Robinson Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Robert Friend Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
Brooke Adams Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Ronald D Abramson Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
Joseph Belluck Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
Karen L Mehiel Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
Susan Alcock Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Charles Middleton Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
Wonya Lucas Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
David E Quint Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Alexander Giannoulias
Andrea Glimcher Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund
Martha Lavey
Updated almost 8 years ago

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