Pandemic Profiteers
Under Trump Michigan Billionaire Wealth Soars, Local Communities Suffer
Under Trump Michigan Billionaire Wealth Soars, Local Communities Suffer
The same fossil fuel companies and financial institutions driving environmental racism are also directing and funding police foundations.
Medical manufacturers and bailout recipients play a powerful role in the US Chamber of Commerce, which has opposed a critical policy tool for COVID-19 response
These are some of the billionaires hoarding wealth while endangering workers and seeking to profit off the crisis. Some may be from your own state.
Corporate elites who rake in dirty profits use board seats at prestigious cultural institutions to burnish their reputations. Now they’re being called out by a growing movement.
Eight banks have committed to ending their future financing of the private prison industry – amounting to 87.4% of the credit lines and term loans of CoreCivic and GEO Group.
Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase have said they’ll stop financing private prisons and detention centers. Will SunTrust do the same?
A recent NYT article profiled a small town hate group in Minnesota. But Wall Street firms & corporate charities are propping up the Islamophobic agenda that is fueling the group’s racist, anti-Muslim efforts.
Six major corporations are top donors to the politicians behind the recent wave of anti-abortion legislation. Their wealthy CEOs should be held to account.
Private equity firm Capital Partners is profiting off of child detention – and it has a host of advisors tied to the defense industry and the Trump administration.