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A.I.G. releases a payment plan

A.I.G. fully intends to pay back the Federal Reserve Bank of New York … eventually. (NYT) First Spitzer, then Ensign, now Sanford.  Politicians just can’t seem to keep it in their pants.

New York Times is on Pimco’s speed dial

On Sunday, The New York Times ran “Bill Gross of Pimco is on Treasury’s Speed-Dial,” a lengthy article on the cozy relations between PIMCO executives Bill Gross and Mohamed El-Erian

Where’s PPIP?

For several weeks beginning in late March, Tim Geithner and others on the Rubin wing of the White House expended significant political capital convincing the listless business press and the

At confession on Friday night

The Times reports today on extensive financial ties between financial industry players including Citigroup and D.E. Shaw and leading Obama economic advisers Lawrence Summers and Michael Froman. Some in the

A closer look at a toxic avenger

To paraphrase Paul Krugman, it looks like the zombies have won. Insolvent banks continue to roam the earth, sucking up unfathomable sums of taxpayer capital, provided to hedge fund intermediaries

The Protégés

In earlier posts, we’ve highlighted Robert Rubin‘s network of protégés, who have assumed nearly every economic policy post of consequence in the Obama White House. In spite of his abysmal

Roberts’ reign

After spending the better part of five years running for office, a victorious John F Kennedy set out to realize the promises made in the course of his 1960 presidential