Map the Power is a project to train and support activists and organizers interested in carrying out power research. We aim to build a network of activist-researchers capable of doing strategic, investigative research that strengthens organizing and creative resistance, helping to challenge the most powerful individuals, corporations, and organizations in our society.
This toolkit has been designed to provide people with the tools to conduct power research and develop a research pod, or crew of folks, that have the skills to investigate local corporate bodies and organize against them. You can use this toolkit as a starting point for organizing around a common target with your neighbors and friends, or to strengthen the work of your organization!
Map the Power is a project of the Public Accountability Initiative (PAI), a nonprofit watchdog research organization focused on power research public interest research on how powerful corporations, individuals, and their relationships shape our economy and society. PAI also oversees, a free, crowd-sourced database that tracks and maps relationships between powerful people, corporations, and organizations.