How Charter Schools USA Creates Multiple Entities to Maximize Profits

December 22, 2020
Founder and Chief Executive OfficerFounderFormer Partner (past)wifeclient Chief Executive Officersister companysister companyManaging MemberVice President of Facilitiessister companyPresidentOfficerauthorized membersister companyPresidentauthorized memberregistered agentregistered agentregistered agentregistered agentFounder and Chief Academic Officersister companyPresidentregistered agentsister companyPresidentregistered agentsister companyPresidentregistered agentsister companyPresidentregistered agentsister companyPresidentregistered agentsister companyregistered agentPresidentsister companyPresidentregistered agentPresidentregistered agentInspirational Speaker/Curriculum Developersister companysister companyauthorized membermanagercontractorregistered agentDirector of Research (past)CSUSA Director (past)Early Investor in CSUSAExecutive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (past)Early Investor in CSUSAattorneyattorneyattorneycharter holdercharter holdercharter holderOwner (past)Resurrected junk-bond ex con, who has attempted to reinvent his image with philanthropic activismMichael MilkenFormer Governor of FloridaJeb BushFormer CFO, EVP - Major League BaseballJonathan D MarinerFor-profit Education Management Organization (EMO) with charter schools in 5 states. CSUSA is the main corporate entity, and has numerous affiliated LLCs.Charter SchoolsUSA, Inc.Founder and CEO of Charter Schools USA, one of the largest for-profit charter management organizations in the country.Jonathan K HageFounder/CEO of Pansophic Learning and ACCEL Schools, Former Founder/CEO of K12 Inc.Ron PackardOregon-Based Childcare, Became KinderCare in 2016Knowledge Universenonprofit founded by Jeb Bush to promote charter schoolsFoundation forFlorida's FutureCommercial real estate developer that partners with Red Apple Development and Charter Schools USA to build charter schools around the countryRyan CompaniesChristian evangelist and motivational speakerNick VujicicFounder and Chief Academic Officer for Charter Schools USA; CEO of Noble Education Initiative. Married to CSUSA CEO Jonathan Hage. Sherry HageFlorida attorney representing Charter Schools USA; GOP Political Strategist for FoxNews; President of Tripp Scott Law; Former Chairman of the Republican Party of Broward County.Edward PozzuoliCharter Schools USA Sister Limited Liability Company - Charter School DevelopmentRed AppleDevelopment, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister Corporation - Building Maintenance FieldstoneMaintenanceSolutions, Inc.Vice President of Facilities, Charter Schools USAPaul HageCharter Schools USA Sister Limited Liability Company - EMS and HVAC SystemsABC Mechanical,LLCCharter Schools USA Sister Limited Liability Company - Real Estate BrokerageRed Apple RealEstate, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister Limited Liability Company - Custodial ServicesRed AppleServices, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister Limited Liability Company - Technology Solutions10jin, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister LLC - FinancingGreen AppleFinancing, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister LLCExcellerateSchools, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister Company40th Holding, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister LLCLaunchedEducation, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister LLCCharter EmployeeServices, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister LLC - Social Emotional Learning CurriculumAltitude EducationUSA, LLCCharter Schools USA Sister LLC - Virtual Classroom PlatformMobile Classroom,LLCAttorney for the charter holding non-profit organizations that oversee Charter Schools USA schools in FloridaLevi G. WilliamsNon-profit charter school board associated with Charter Schools USAFlorida CharterEducational Foundation,Inc.Non-profit charter school board associated with Charter Schools USARenaissanceCharter SchoolInc.Non-profit charter school board associated with Charter Schools USASouthwest CharterFoundation, Inc.

Charter Schools USA Founder Jonathan Hage

Florida-based Charter Schools USA (CSUSA) is one of the largest for-profit education management organizations (EMO) in the nation, currently managing  91 charter schools in five states.

Before founding CSUSA, Jonathan Hage was the director of research for Jeb Bush's Foundation for Florida’s Future, an education reform center that promotes accountability and school choice. After Florida's charter school law was passed in 1996, Hage spent a year advising potential charter school operators before launching CSUSA with his wife, Sherry Hage, in 1997.