Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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John Hoeven
US Senator from North Dakota (2011-present)
36 contributions · 146,986 USD ('10→May 6 '16)
North Dakota Republican Party
21 contributions · 23,935 USD ('97→Dec 30 '17)
John Boozman
US Senator from Arkansas (2011-present); former US Representative (2001-2011)
9 contributions · 15,000 USD (Apr 29 '15)
Ron Johnson
US Senator from Wisconsin
6 contributions · 10,000 USD (May 4 '15→May 5 '15)
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
18 contributions · 8,210 USD ('03→Oct 12 '16)
Lisa Murkowski
US Senator from Alaska
3 contributions · 5,400 USD (Mar 29 '15→Mar 31 '15)
Kelly Ayotte
Former Republican US Senator from New Hampshire, gubernatorial candidate
2 contributions · 5,000 USD (May 1 '15)
Chuck Grassley
US Senator and Representative from Iowa (1981-present); former US Representative (1975-1981)
2 contributions · 5,000 USD (Sep 30 '15)
Romney Victory
1 contribution · 5,000 USD (Oct 10 '12)
Brian Kalk
6 contributions · 5,000 USD (Dec 28 '11→Jun 19 '12)