Fay Hartog-Levin
Consultant; widów of prominent. Chicago real estate developer Daniel E Levin
James Blanchard
former US Representative from Michigan and Michigan governor
Vance K Opperman
President and CEO of Key Investment, Inc., a private investment company.
Robert I Toll
Executive chairman of Toll Brothers; died in October 2022 at age 81
Stephen M Ross
Chairman, CEO And Founder of Related Companies
Elizabeth Simons
President of Heising-Simons Foundation; daughter of hedge-fund billionaire Jim Simons
Darin Opperman
Wayzata, Minnesota
Daniel E Levin
Founder and chairman of The Habitat Company
Karla Jurvetson
Psychiatrist; former wife of venture capitalist, Steve Jurvetson
Lester Crown
Billionaire financier; Chairman - CC Industries, Inc.