Leadership & Staff
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Anthony Lake
Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Former National Security Advisor ('77→'81)*
William Spring
Former Vice President Federal Reserve Boston, Architect of Boston Compact
Youth Employment Advisor*
Marshall S. Smith (Mike Smith)
Education Professor, Promoted Standards-Based Reform / OER
Former Education Advisor*
Jerry J Jasinowski
Former CEO of the Manufacturing Institute
Former Economic Policy Advisor ('76→'77)*
Robert H Dunn
President and CEO, Synergos Institute
Former Aide*
Stuart Eizenstat
Lawyer, Covington and Burling
Chief Domestic Policy Adviser (past)
Mark A Siegel
Deputy Assistant to the President (past)
James Fallows
National Correspondent, The Atlantic Monthly
Chief Speechwriter
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Polish-American diplomat and political scientist
principal foreign policy adviser ('76→Jan '77)
Jane D Hartley
Biden Nominee to become Ambassador to the United Kingdom; the Observatory Group
associate assistant (past)