Name |
Adam Storch SEC Chief Operating Officer; former Goldman Sachs employee |
Diana Farrell former Obama economic advisor & McKinsey Global Institute director |
Dick Gephardt Former House Minority Leader (D, MO) |
Faryar Shirzad Global Head of Government Affairs at Goldman Sachs |
Gary Cohn former Trump economic advisor | former President of Goldman Sachs |
Gary Gensler ex-Goldman Sachs executive, Chairman of Commodity Futures Trading Commission. |
Hank Paulson Secretary of Treasury under George W Bush; former CEO of Goldman Sachs, Chairman The Paulson Institute |
James A Johnson Vice Chair of Perseus and Goldman director; former Fannie Mae CEO; Mondale advisor |
James C Langdon Jr Senior Executive Partner at Akin Gump and Bush Pioneer |
John C Whitehead Banker and public official (ex-Goldman Sachs) |
Jose Fourquet Investor, Goldman Sachs & Co. |
Karthik Ramanathan Director of Bonds at Fidelity; former Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets |
Larry Summers former Clinton Treasury Secretary, former Obama National Economic Council director |
Mark Patterson partner at Perkins Coie; former Chief of Staff to Tim Geithner |
Neel Kashkari Treasury official in charge of TARP; former Goldman Sachs VP |
Pete Coneway Investment Banker, Goldman Sachs & Co |
Phil Murphy 56th Governor of New Jersey; U.S. Ambassador to Germany |
Reuben Jeffery III Undersecretary of State for Economic, Energy, and Agricultural Affairs; former CFTC chairman |
Robert D Hormats Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy, and Agricultural Affairs |
Robert J Hurst managing director of Crestview Partners |
Robert K Steel CEO, Perella Weinberg Partners; Bloomberg's Deputy Mayor for Economic Development | former Wachovia CEO |
Robert Rubin Clinton Treasury Secretary; co-chair of Council on Foreign Relations |
Robert Zoellick Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science & Int'l Affairs; US Trade Representative and World Bank president under George W Bush |
Stephen Friedman Chairman of Stone Point Capital; director of Goldman Sachs; former chairman of NY Fed |