Business Positions
Board Memberships
Philadelphia Stock Exchange
Oldest stock exchange in America; acquired by NASDAQ in 2007
De Blasio Transition Team
Mayoral transition team
Andrew Cuomo
former governor of New York State
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Political Fundraising Committee for Democratic Senatorial Candidates
Kirsten Gillibrand
US Senator and Representative from New York
Bob Casey
US Senator from Pennsylvania (2007-present)
Steve Israel
Democratic US Representative from New York
Joe Sestak
2020 Dem. presidential candidate, former US Representative from Pennsylvania, retired 3-star vice admiral
Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate
Jerry Nadler
US Representative from New York (1991-present)
Scott Murphy
former NY congressman
Mark Udall
former US Senator and Representative from Colorado
Florence H Frucher
Baruch College adjunct professor; wife of Meyer Frucher