Jay J. Vroom is president and chief executive officer of CropLife America, the largest national trade organization representing developers, manufacturers, formulators and distributors of agricultural pesticides across the United States. He has held this position since election by the Board of Directors in 1989 and has been re-elected each succeeding year. Prior to CropLife America, Vroom served as executive vice president and chief executive officer of the National Fertilizer Solutions Association, in St. Louis, Mo. (now the Agricultural Retailers Association), a nonprofit trade association representing the interests of retailers on legislative and regulatory issues. He has also served as chief executive of the Merchants Exchange of St. Louis, Mo., which provides the Mississippi River maritime and harbor communities with valuable port information and services and began his professional career on the staff of the Fertilizer Institute. Vroom has testified numerous times before U.S. congressional and regulatory bodies, and represents the U.S. plant science solution industry internationally. Vroom holds a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science from the University of Illinois. Raised on an Illinois farm, he continues to have an active business interest in his family business.