WHAT I DO: ☆ Bring creativity and imagination to improve an organization's success by anticipating changing environments and developing creative, innovative, human-based strategies. WITH WHOM I WORK: ☆ The leadership of governmental/military and commercial organizations: Commanding Officers, C-Suite... WHY IT WORKS: ☆ The new visions and demand-led, winning strategies are always implemented because our interactive workshops with the leadership ensures they are truly shared by them. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? ☆ We help our clients develop a complete vision and strategic plan, including action and implementation plans in 10-12 weeks elapsed time (one fourth the time of most consultancies.) We also provide: Innovation Workshops, Futures / Foresight, Understanding Cultures, Master-minds. We love our clients! WHAT OTHERS SAY: ☆ General Rich Hearney, USMC, the former Assistant Commandant Marine Corps, said that the project (Vision and Strategic Plan for the 21st Century) we conducted for the Marine Corps was one of the most successful projects it had undertaken and that, by bringing together the 21 General Officers in the leadership of the Corps to think through future options, it led to its successes during the past periods of conflict. ☆ VADM Patricia Tracey, USN, recently VP at HP Enterprise Services, said that she particularly valued our strategic planning for her organizations, as we brought content to the planning, not just process. That content gave context for the leaders’ thinking which enabled them to make transformational changes in their organizations. HOW IT WORKS: ☆ We hold discussions with you to determine your needs, and then we prepare a detailed proposal outlining the process for helping you to develop your vision and strategic plan. READY TO TALK? ☆ Reach out to me directly here on LinkedIn, email me at christine.macnulty@applied-futures.com, visit us online at www.applied-futures.com, or call me direct at 703 528 5771