Leadership & Staff
Jonathon Howard
Housing Element Community City of Davis
Board Memberships
Local Government Commission
Build livable communities and local leadership by connecting leaders via innovative programs and network opportunities
City of Davis Council
Government in Davis, CA
Yolo Basin Foundation
Environment Organization in Davis, CA
Sacramento Area Council of Governments
association of local governments in the six-county Sacramento region
Yolo Bus
A local public transportation system
The Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority
The Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) is a partnership among the six local transit agencies in the eight county service area which shares the administration and management of the Capitol
The Nature Conservancy
Land and water conservation
City of Davis Planning Commission
Serves as the advisory agency to City Council on matters of zoning, subdivision matters, the general plan, etc.
City of Davis Human Relations Commission
Addresses issues such as: discrimination, diversity, prejudice or other topics regarding the community principles or anti-discrimination.
Valley Clean Energy
Electricity provider for customers in the cities of Woodland, Winters, and Davis, and unincorporated Yolo County
Government Positions
Davis City Council
Provides policy direction, establishes goals, and sets priorities for Davis City government
Miscellaneous Relationships
Davis City Council
Provides policy direction, establishes goals, and sets priorities for Davis City government