Business Positions
Danaher Corporation
Holding company
Board Memberships
Manor Care, Inc
Manor Care, Inc. provides health care services. It was acquired by HCR ManorCare in 1998
Danaher Corporation
Holding company
United Way of the National Capital Area
For over 30 years, United Way of the National Capital Area has been a recognized leader in community building in the Washington area.
Choice Hotels International
Worldwide franchisor of hotels
Perseus LLC
Merchant Bank and Private Equity Fund Management
Smithfield Foods, Inc.
Controls 25 percent of the U.S. pork industry,
Tom Davis
former US Representative from Virginia
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Joshua B Rales
Former candidate for US Senate seat in Maryland
Michael Steele
Former Chairman, Republican National Committee
Bob Goodlatte
Former US Representative from Virginia (1993-2019)
James P Moran
US Representative from Virginia