TONEY ANAYA was born in Moriarty, New Mexico, in 1941. He attended Highlands University and received a bachelor of arts degree in 1963 from Georgetwon University. In 1967, he received a law degree from the Washington College of Law at American University. In addition, he worked for the late Senator Dennis Chavez and as an executive assistant in the U.S. Department of State. From 1966 to 1969, Anaya was legislative counsel to U.S. Senator Joseph Montoya. In 1971, he became the administrative assistant to then Governor Bruce King. Anaya was also a Santa Fe County attorney, assistant district attorney for the first judicial district, and later established a private law practice in Santa Fe. He served as New Mexico's attorney general from 1975 to 1978. He became a senior partner in the law firm of Anaya, Strumor, Gonzales & Fruman in Sante Fe. His agenda as governor was based on the premise that government should provide services that individuals cannot provide for themselves. Anaya pursued his program as governor energetically, regardless of the consequences. He took a strong controversial stand opposing the death penalty; declared New Mexico a sanctuary for political refugees as a response to the turmoil in Central America in the mid-1980s; and vehemently opposed discriminatory immigration legislation. Since leaving office, he has served on numerous boards, commissions, and with non-profit organizations primarily focusing on Hispanic issues, education, and politics. He contributed significantly to the Democratic National Committee and the North American Free Trade Agreement.