Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Gary King
Attorney General, State of New Mexico
Harry Teague
Former US Representative from New Mexico (2009-2011)
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Governor of New Mexico; former US Representative from New Mexico
Jay Dickey
US Representative from Arkansas
Johnny Cope
NM Businessman with multiple business ventures in areas including construction. Big donor to Bill Richardson.
Jason Sandel
Aztec Well Servicing, Farmington, New Mexico
Hilda Solis
Obama Labor Secretary; former US Representative from California (Not from Bay Area)
F Allen Boyd Jr
US Representative from Florida
Paul Krehbiel
Professor of Atmospheric Physics, New Mexico Tech
James V Manning
Sea Island, Georgia
Carla E Meyer
Social Worker
Charles Rangel
US Representative from New York
Nita M Lowey
US Representative from New York
Barney Frank
former US Representative from Massachusetts
Democratic Party
The U.S. Democratic Party