Robert R. Belair is a founding partner of Oldaker, Biden and Belair and is an internationally recognized privacy lawyer with over three decades of experience. He served as Deputy Counsel to the White House Privacy Committee in the Ford Administration and as a lawyer in the Federal Trade Commission's Bureau of Consumer Protection doing Fair Credit Reporting Act and other privacy related work. Later, Mr. Belair served as General Counsel of the National Commission on the Confidentiality of Health Records. In private practice, Mr. Belair was a partner at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart and later at Mullenholz, Brimsek & Belair. He has done work for numerous government entities on privacy matters including the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, the Department of Transportation and the Social Security Administration. Together with Alan Westin, he is the editor of the nation's preeminent privacy periodical for the business community, Privacy & American Business. Mr. Belair is a frequent writer and speaker on privacy topics and is a graduate of the Columbia Law School.