Former Energy Secretary, US Senator from Michigan
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Spencer Abraham also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Edward C Levy Jr Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, David McIntosh, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, R Pat Dewine, Jeb Bush, Right to Rise USA
Mark Valente III Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Joseph Knollenberg, Rick Santorum, David McIntosh, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Vernon Parker, National Republican Congressional Cmte
Michael J Jandernoa Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Vernon Parker, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Kent County Republican Finance Cmte
Richard DeVos Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Right to Rise USA, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Kent County Republican Finance Cmte
Leslie Rose Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, David McIntosh, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard
Helen DeVos Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Kent County Republican Finance Cmte
Doug DeVos Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Right to Rise USA, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Kent County Republican Finance Cmte
C Boyden Gray Spencer Abraham, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, David McIntosh, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Jeb Bush, Right to Rise USA, National Republican Congressional Cmte
Ziad S Ojakli Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, David McIntosh, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, R Pat Dewine, Jeb Bush, Right to Rise USA
Hank Meijer Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Right to Rise USA
Roger S Penske Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Right to Rise USA, National Republican Congressional Cmte
Betsy DeVos Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Joseph Knollenberg, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Kent County Republican Finance Cmte
James B Nicholson Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Kate Whitman, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush
William Davidson Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, National Republican Congressional Cmte
Ronald Weiser Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush
Peter F Secchia Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Kent County Republican Finance Cmte
Yousif Ghafari Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard
David T Fischer Spencer Abraham, Joseph Knollenberg, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush
Daniel DeVos Spencer Abraham, Dave Camp, Joseph Knollenberg, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Kent County Republican Finance Cmte
J Steven Hart Spencer Abraham, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum, David McIntosh, George W Bush, National Republican Congressional Committee, Michigan Republican Party, R Pat Dewine, Michael J Bouchard
Spencer Abraham
Updated 17 days ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Political Candidate, Elected Representative, Business Person
Gender Male
Birthday Jun 12 '52
Aliases Edward Spencer Abraham, Mr E. Spencer Abraham