Ashley Davis was a Principal in Blank Rome Government Relations LLC. She represents clients throughout a wide range of industries on government relations matters involving international trade, homeland security, energy and climate change, education, government business, life sciences and generic pharmaceuticals and arts and philanthropies. She has represented a broad range of Fortune 500 clients in various sectors concentrating in Healthcare, Energy, Homeland Security, Education, International Trade and Government Business. Ashley works and represents many clients in front of the Energy and Commerce, Health, Education Labor and Pensions, Ways and Means and Finance Committees in both the House and the Senate. She has been active in all of the most recent healthcare laws passed by the House and the Senate. Ashley served in the White House in several capacities, including as Special Assistant to Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge and Deputy Director of Management and Administration. She was a member of the Bush-Cheney Transition Team, after working on the Republican National Convention, Bush-Cheney 2000, and on the Florida recount. She sits on various boards of directors and is active in fundraising for the Republican Party.