Darby Stogner is an Operations Associate at Hamilton Place Strategies, where she manages the schedules of the firm’s principals. In addition, she assists in office operations and intern management. Prior to joining HPS, Darby worked in Congressman Ted Poe’s office (R-TX) and was responsible for a wide array of tasks. She managed constituent correspondence, which included responding to letters, answering phones, and arranging tours for visiting constituents. Additionally, she was responsible for the bi-monthly newsletter and sending legislative updates to constituents. As Legislative Correspondent, she later added the role of Legislative Assistant for the Congressman, where she oversaw health care policy and managed the Congressman’s bipartisan PORTS Caucus. Through her experience on the Hill, Darby has enhanced her communication skills, learned how to prioritize responsibilities and now thrives in a fast-paced environment. Darby grew up in Dallas, Texas and received a B.B.A in Marketing from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin.