Betsy DeVos
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Ronald Weiser
Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Hank Meijer
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Peter F Secchia
Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Helen DeVos
Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Richard DeVos
Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar
Peter Karmanos Jr
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Doug DeVos
Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Robert S Taubman
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Joan Secchia
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
William U Parfet
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Michael J Jandernoa
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar
Manuel Moroun
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar
Julia Reyes Taubman
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Mark Meijer
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
J C Huizenga
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Right to Life of Michigan Political Action Committee, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Mark A Murray
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar
Daniel DeVos
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory
Peter D Cummings
Dave Camp, Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Cheri DeVos VanderWeide
Peter Hoekstra, John McCain, George W Bush, Michigan Republican Party, Michael J Bouchard, Mitt Romney, John Moolenaar, Romney Victory