Chairman and CEO of Arvest Bank Group, Inc. World's 11th richest man, 2005
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Jim C Walton also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Alice Walton Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Hillary Clinton, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Louie Gohmert, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Randy Neugebauer, Ted Poe, Jon C Porter, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Greg Ganske, Dan Coats, Jay Dickey, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Arkansas for Leadership Political Action Committee (Arkpac), Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. PAC for Responsible Government, Republican Party of Arkansas, Arvest Bank Group Inc PAC Inc, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Steve Stivers, Raymond Meier, Bluegrass Committee, Michael Louis Whalen, Bud Shuster, Douglas R Forrester, Chuck Blasdel, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Martha Rainville, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, John G Gard, Rick Odonnell, Chris Wakim, Mitt Romney, Billy Tauzin, Sunshine PAC, Andrew Cuomo, Business Industry PAC, W A Drew Edmondson, Bill Thomas, Restore Our Future PAC, Rick Crawford, E Scott Rigell, Steve Womack, Blanche L Lincoln, New Yorkers for a Balanced Albany, California Charter Schools Association Advocates Independent Expenditure Committee, Boozman for Arkansas, Womack for Congress Finance Cmte, Charter Schools Action, Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca, New York Campaign For Achievement Now, Angela Cobian, Louisiana Federation for Children PAC, Empower Louisiana PAC, Razor Pac
Rob Walton David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Michele Bachmann, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Louie Gohmert, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Trent Lott, John McCain, James O McCrery III, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Randy Neugebauer, Ted Poe, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Greg Ganske, Jay Dickey, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Arkansas for Leadership Political Action Committee (Arkpac), Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. PAC for Responsible Government, Arvest Bank Group Inc PAC Inc, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Raymond Meier, Bud Shuster, Douglas R Forrester, Chuck Blasdel, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Martha Rainville, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Gregory Edward Walcher, John G Gard, Rick Odonnell, Chris Wakim, Billy Tauzin, W A Drew Edmondson, Rick Crawford, Steve Womack, Tom Cotton, Blanche L Lincoln, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Boozman for Arkansas, Womack for Congress Finance Cmte, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler
Kelly Roberts David Perdue, Robert Aderholt, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Dean Heller, Bob Inglis, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Latham, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Randy Neugebauer, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Jim Talent, Max Burns, John Ashcroft, Dick Chrysler, Andrea Seastrand, Jay Dickey, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, Michael Louis Whalen, Douglas R Forrester, Martha Rainville, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Gregory Edward Walcher, Rick Odonnell, Mitt Romney, Warren Dupwe, Scott P Brown, Rick Berg, Josh Mandel, Tom Cotton, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Perdue for Senate, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler
Lanny Griffith David Perdue, Robert Aderholt, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Jim DeMint, Virginia Ann Foxx, Louie Gohmert, Dean Heller, Bob Inglis, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Max Burns, John Ashcroft, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Bluegrass Committee, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Mitt Romney, Billy Tauzin, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Tom Cotton, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, French Hill, French Hill for Arkansas, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs
Duane R Roberts David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Charlie Dent, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Bob Inglis, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Latham, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Paul Ryan, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Greg Ganske, John Ashcroft, Sonny Bono, Dan Coats, Andrea Seastrand, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, NRSC - Nonfederal, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Gregory Edward Walcher, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Rick Berg, Tom Cotton, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Perdue for Senate, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler
Bradford M Freeman David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Hillary Clinton, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Dean Heller, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Randy Neugebauer, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Jim Talent, Max Burns, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Raymond Meier, NRSC - Nonfederal, Michael Louis Whalen, Chuck Blasdel, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Martha Rainville, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Gregory Edward Walcher, John G Gard, Rick Odonnell, Chris Wakim, Mitt Romney, Billy Tauzin, Scott P Brown, Rick Berg, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan
Charles R Schwab David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Jim DeMint, Charlie Dent, Virginia Ann Foxx, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Randy Neugebauer, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Virginia Foxx for Congress, NRSC - Nonfederal, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Gregory Edward Walcher, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Rick Berg, Tom Cotton, Jon M Huntsman Jr, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, French Hill, Perdue for Senate, French Hill for Arkansas, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler
Stephen Schwarzman David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Frank D Lucas, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Randy Neugebauer, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Friends of Roy Blunt, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Steve Stivers, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Gregory Edward Walcher, Mitt Romney, Billy Tauzin, Scott P Brown, Rick Berg, Tom Cotton, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, French Hill, Boozman for Arkansas, Perdue for Senate, French Hill for Arkansas, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs
Warren Stephens David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, John Cornyn, Virginia Ann Foxx, Dean Heller, Jim Inhofe, Thomas Latham, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Charles W Norwood Jr, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Charles Foster Bass, Mike DeWine, Sue W Kelly, Rob Portman, Jim Talent, Greg Ganske, Asa Hutchinson, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, Sonny Bono, Dick Chrysler, Andrea Seastrand, Michael Flanagan, Jay Dickey, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Arkansas, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Virginia Foxx for Congress, Phillip Wyrick, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, James Holland Keet III, Marvin Parks, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Rick Crawford, Tim Griffin, Steve Womack, Tom Cotton, Blanche L Lincoln, Dan Sullivan, French Hill, Bruce Westerman, Boozman for Arkansas, Womack for Congress Finance Cmte, French Hill for Arkansas, Westerman for Congress, Christopher L Jacobs
Doyce Boesch David Perdue, Robert Aderholt, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Virginia Ann Foxx, Dean Heller, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Latham, Frank D Lucas, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Randy Neugebauer, Denny Rehberg, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, John Ashcroft, Dan Coats, Tim Hutchinson, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Ernest Istook, Cole for Congress, Steve Stivers, Bluegrass Committee, NRSC - Nonfederal, Andy Ewing, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rick Berg, Tom Cotton, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, French Hill, Boozman for Arkansas, Perdue for Senate, French Hill for Arkansas, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler
Larry A Mizel David Perdue, Wayne Allard, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Steve Chabot, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Jim DeMint, Jim Gerlach, Dean Heller, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Arkansas, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Raymond Meier, Michael Louis Whalen, Chuck Blasdel, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Martha Rainville, Gregory Edward Walcher, John G Gard, Rick Odonnell, Chris Wakim, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Josh Mandel, Tom Cotton, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Boozman for Arkansas, Perdue for Senate, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs
J Steven Hart Robert Aderholt, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Tom Cole, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Dean Heller, Bob Inglis, Jim Inhofe, Thomas Latham, Trent Lott, Frank D Lucas, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Randy Neugebauer, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Charles Foster Bass, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Jim Talent, Max Burns, Steve Largent, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, John Ashcroft, Dan Coats, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Ernest Istook, Steve Stivers, Bluegrass Committee, NRSC - Nonfederal, Andy Ewing, John G Gard, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Wes Watkins, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, French Hill
Charles B Johnson David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Louie Gohmert, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Ted Poe, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Jim Talent, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, California Republican Party/V8, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Raymond Meier, Michael Louis Whalen, Chuck Blasdel, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Martha Rainville, Gregory Edward Walcher, John G Gard, Chris Wakim, Mitt Romney, Restore Our Future PAC, Rick Berg, Jon M Huntsman Jr, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Perdue for Senate, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler
Marc Goldman David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, Steve Chabot, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Jim DeMint, Charlie Dent, Virginia Ann Foxx, Jim Gerlach, Louie Gohmert, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Jim Talent, Dan Coats, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Virginia Foxx for Congress, Raymond Meier, Michael Louis Whalen, Chuck Blasdel, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Martha Rainville, Mark Sanford, John G Gard, Rick Odonnell, Chris Wakim, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Rick Berg, Rick Crawford, Josh Mandel, Tom Cotton, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Perdue for Senate, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs
Fred Malek Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers, Randy Neugebauer, Jon C Porter, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Max Burns, John Ashcroft, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, Raymond Meier, NRSC - Nonfederal, Michael Louis Whalen, Chuck Blasdel, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Martha Rainville, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Gregory Edward Walcher, Mark Sanford, John G Gard, Rick Odonnell, Chris Wakim, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan
Ed Rogers David Perdue, Robert Aderholt, Lamar Alexander, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jim Gerlach, Louie Gohmert, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Bob Inglis, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Ted Poe, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Max Burns, John Ashcroft, George Nethercutt, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Bluegrass Committee, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Billy Tauzin, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Rick Berg, Jon M Huntsman Jr
David Bockorny David Perdue, Lamar Alexander, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Barbara L Cubin, Jim DeMint, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Latham, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Randy Neugebauer, Charles W Norwood Jr, Ted Poe, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Charles Foster Bass, Mike DeWine, Sue W Kelly, Rob Portman, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Arkansas for Leadership Political Action Committee (Arkpac), Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Steve Stivers, Bluegrass Committee, Billy Tauzin, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Rick Berg, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan, Perdue for Senate
Ron Cameron David Perdue, Robert Aderholt, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Thomas Allen Coburn, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John Thune, David Vitter, Rob Portman, Asa Hutchinson, Jay Dickey, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Arkansas for Leadership Political Action Committee (Arkpac), Republican Party of Arkansas, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Fay W Boozman III, Phillip Wyrick, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Rick Odonnell, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Warren Dupwe, Ron Fuller, James Holland Keet III, Marvin Parks, Scott P Brown, Rick Crawford, Tim Griffin, E Scott Rigell, Steve Womack, Josh Mandel, Tom Cotton, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, French Hill, Bruce Westerman, Boozman for Arkansas, Womack for Congress Finance Cmte, Perdue for Senate, Westerman for Congress, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler
Michael Keiser Wayne Allard, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Louie Gohmert, Dean Heller, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Trent Lott, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Ted Poe, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Jeff Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Robert Simmons, Jim Talent, Greg Ganske, Julius Caesar Watts Jr, John Ashcroft, Dan Coats, Dick Chrysler, Andrea Seastrand, Michael Flanagan, Tim Hutchinson, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, RNC Republican National State Elections Committee, NRSC - Nonfederal, Nrccc - Non Federal 2, Douglas R Forrester, Arlene Wohlgemuth, Nrccc - Non Federal 1, Rick Odonnell, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Rick Berg, Josh Mandel, Dan Sullivan, Christopher L Jacobs
Robert Pence David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, Charles Boustany, Richard Burr, Steve Chabot, Norm Coleman, Bob Corker, John Cornyn, Geoffrey C Davis, Jim DeMint, Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Randy Neugebauer, Jon C Porter, Denny Rehberg, Rick Renzi, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, John E Sununu, John Thune, David Vitter, Heather Wilson, Bob Beauprez, Mike DeWine, Anne Meagher Northup, Rob Portman, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Robert Simmons, Michael E Sodrel, Max Burns, Dan Coats, George Nethercutt, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Raymond Meier, Michael Louis Whalen, Chuck Blasdel, Ralph W M R Norman Jr, Martha Rainville, WA-05 Congressional Victory Committee, WA-08 Congressional Victory Committee, Gregory Edward Walcher, John G Gard, Rick Odonnell, Chris Wakim, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Restore Our Future PAC, Josh Mandel, Tom Cotton, Dan Sullivan