Leadership & Staff
Jacob Mercer
Minneapolis based hedge fund manager
Jason Cross
Partner - Whitebox Advisors
Gary Kohler
Partner - Whitebox Advisors
Robert Vogel
Partner - Whitebox Advisors
Jonathan Wood
Partner, COO and CFO - Whitebox Advisors
Andrew Redleaf
Founding Partner and CEO of the hedge Whitebox Advisors
Par Petroleum Corporation
Energy-related assets
Majority Member PREPA Ad Hoc Group
On August 2023, the Ad Hoc Group of PREPA Bondholders broke down. Some of the members formed the Majority Member PREPA Ad Hoc Group, supporting the Oversight Board's Plan of Adjustment
Ad Hoc Group of PREPA Bondholders
Bondholders of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
Lawful Constitutional Debt Coalition
Vulture funds coalition in Puerto Rico's bankruptcy
COFINA Seniors Coalition
Puerto Rico creditor group