People Have Given To
People with positions in Owens Corning have made donations to
Republican National Committee $138,531 Ralph F Hake, Norman P Blake Jr, Sheree L Bargabos, Phil Handy
Mitt Romney $35,995 Norman P Blake Jr, Sheree L Bargabos, Phil Handy
2004 Joint State Victory Committee $25,000 Phil Handy
Univision Communications Inc. Political Action Committee $21,640 Cesar Conde
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $20,000 Gaston Caperton, Landon Hilliard
National Republican Senatorial Committee $18,700 J Brian Ferguson, Norman P Blake Jr
National Republican Congressional Committee $18,600 Norman P Blake Jr
John McCain $17,450 Michael H Thaman, Norman P Blake Jr, Sheree L Bargabos, Bradford C Oelman, John D Hopkins, Cesar Conde, Phil Handy, Jeffrey S Wilke
American Chemistry Council PAC $16,000 J Brian Ferguson
WV State Democratic Executive Committee $13,000 Gaston Caperton
George W Bush $11,000 J Brian Ferguson, Norman P Blake Jr, Bradford C Oelman, Phil Handy
North Carolina Victory Fund $10,000 Gaston Caperton
Erskine B Bowles $8,000 Gaston Caperton, Landon Hilliard
Jay Rockefeller $7,000 Gaston Caperton
Owens Corning Better Government Fund $6,775 Landon Hilliard, Charles E Dana, Stephen K Krull, Bradford C Oelman, William E LeBaron, Jeffrey S Wilke
Bob Corker $5,400 J Brian Ferguson
Country First Political Action Committee Inc. (Country First PAC) $5,000 Phil Handy
Bob Kerrey $5,000 Gaston Caperton
Lamar Alexander $5,000 J Brian Ferguson, Landon Hilliard, Phil Handy
Robert Byrd $5,000 Gaston Caperton