Pro-business anti-regulation economic think tank composed of executives and politicians
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of American Council for Capital Formation also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform James Thomas Kolbe, Charles Walter Stenholm, James Robert Jones, William H Gray III, Robert Strauss
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget James Thomas Kolbe, Charles Walter Stenholm, James Robert Jones, William H Gray III, Robert Strauss
George Bush Presidential Library Board of Trustees Andrew H Card Jr, Robert Strauss, Frederic V Malek, Gerald Parsky
Alliance for Energy and Economic Growth Dave McCurdy, Donna Harman, Thomas R Kuhn
US Department of State George P Shultz, John C Whitehead
Alliance To Save Energy Dave McCurdy, Thomas R Kuhn
Association Committee of 100 Donna Harman, Thomas R Kuhn
Think Long Committee for California George P Shultz, Gerald Parsky
Brookings Institution Kenneth M Duberstein, John C Whitehead
Concord Coalition Charles Walter Stenholm, William H Gray III
Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform Bill Archer, William H Gray III
United States Energy Association Dave McCurdy, Thomas R Kuhn
Committee for Economic Development Kenneth M Duberstein, George P Shultz
America Abroad Media Kenneth M Duberstein, John C Whitehead
Foreign Policy Association George P Shultz, John C Whitehead
Atlantic Council George P Shultz, John C Whitehead
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research Donald L Lucas, George P Shultz
White House Office Kenneth M Duberstein, Andrew H Card Jr
Partnership for Public Service Kenneth M Duberstein, John C Whitehead
Council on Foreign Relations Kenneth M Duberstein, George P Shultz
American Council for Capital Formation
Updated over 6 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Other Not-for-Profit, Policy/Think Tank
Aliases ACCF
