One of North America's largest construction organizations
People Have Given To
People with positions in Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. have made donations to
Republican National Committee $135,090 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee $110,000 Walter Scott Jr
Nebraska Republican Party $104,604 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr, Bruce E Grewcock
Sandhills Political Action Committee $86,400 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr, Michael R McCarthy, Bruce E Grewcock
Mitt Romney $75,350 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr, Michael R McCarthy, Bruce E Grewcock, Richard A Lanoha
Level 3 Communications Inc. Political Action Committee $75,000 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr
Lee Raymond Terry $42,100 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr, Bruce E Grewcock
Chuck Hagel $28,800 Kenneth E Stinson, Mogens C Bay, Walter Scott Jr, Michael R McCarthy, Bruce E Grewcock
George W Bush $22,500 Bobby S Shackouls, Kenneth E Stinson, Mogens C Bay, Walter Scott Jr, Bruce E Grewcock
John McCain $21,100 Walter Scott Jr
Ben Nelson $16,300 Walter Scott Jr
National Republican Senatorial Committee $15,000 Kenneth E Stinson, Bruce E Grewcock
David Joseph Kramer $13,100 Kenneth E Stinson, Michael R McCarthy
Michael O Johanns $12,900 Walter Scott Jr, Bruce E Grewcock
National Republican Congressional Committee $12,500 Walter Scott Jr, Bruce E Grewcock
Jeff Fortenberry $12,300 Kenneth E Stinson, Bruce E Grewcock
Bob Kerrey $11,000 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr, Michael R McCarthy
Jon Lynn Christensen $10,850 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr, Bruce E Grewcock
Deb Fischer $10,550 Kenneth E Stinson, Michael R McCarthy, Bruce E Grewcock
Adrian Smith $10,200 Kenneth E Stinson, Walter Scott Jr, Bruce E Grewcock
Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc.
Updated over 7 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Private Company
Start date 1884
Revenue 5.05 Billion
Aliases Kiewit Construction Group Inc., PKS Holdings Inc, Peter Kiewit Sons Inc