Founded in 1964, venture capital firm located in Palo Alto CA
People Have Given To
People with positions in Sutter Hill Ventures have made donations to
Republican National Committee $151,550 Tench Coxe, George Leonard Baker Jr, William H. Draper III
Mitt Romney $116,100 Tench Coxe, George Leonard Baker Jr, William H. Draper III, Paul M Wythes
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee $76,974 William H. Draper III
Parents and Teachers for Tuck $50,000 Tench Coxe
Restore Our Future PAC $50,000 Tench Coxe
Stop Special Interest Money Now $45,000 Tench Coxe, George Leonard Baker Jr, William H. Draper III
Tom Campbell $32,300 Tench Coxe, George Leonard Baker Jr, William H. Draper III, Paul M Wythes
Barack Obama $30,050 Tench Coxe, Greg Sands, William H. Draper III
John McCain $20,200 George Leonard Baker Jr, William H. Draper III, Paul M Wythes
California Republican Party/V8 $19,000 Tench Coxe, William H. Draper III
National Republican Senatorial Committee $13,300 George Leonard Baker Jr, William H. Draper III
Carly Fiorina $12,400 Tench Coxe, William H. Draper III
National Venture Capital Association Venturepac $11,248 Tench Coxe, George Leonard Baker Jr, James N White, William H. Draper III, Paul M Wythes
Democratic National Committee $9,850 James N White, Greg Sands
Free and Strong America PAC Inc. $8,500 William H. Draper III
National Republican Congressional Committee $8,350 George Leonard Baker Jr
George W Bush $8,000 George Leonard Baker Jr, William H. Draper III, Paul M Wythes
Max Baucus $6,900 James C Gaither, George Leonard Baker Jr
Matthew K Fong $6,000 Tench Coxe, George Leonard Baker Jr, Paul M Wythes
Golden State Congressional Victory Fund $5,000 Tench Coxe