Our Vision We work to create measurable change in people´s lives by deploying innovative financing tools to solve social problems, all while developing the Impact Investing sector in Israel. Who We Are Established in 2013, Social Finance Israel is a social enterprise that promotes the flow of capital towards solving social issues in Israel, through the use of innovative financing tools. As the first and only social investment intermediary in Israel, SFI is developing the Impact Investing sector with the ultimate goal of positively impacting the lives of citizens nationwide. SFI is the leading developer of Social Impact Bonds in Israel, having launched Israel´s first three SIBs. The first reduces the dropout rate among Computer Science students in higher education, the second aims to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes among pre-diabetics, and the third aims to enhance educational attainments in mathematics for Bedouin students in the Negev. Behind a team of excellent professionals from a variety of social and professional backgrounds, SFI is bolstered by a Board of Directors comprised of vastly experienced public leaders, purpose-driven investors, foundations, entrepreneurs, and industry experts. SFI partners with organizations in Israel and abroad which strive to achieve measurable, positive social outcomes alongside financial returns. SFI also works closely with the Israeli National Advisory Board, which consists of senior executives from the public, financial and social sectors. Social Finance: A Global Network Following Social Finance UK´s launch of the first Social Impact Bond in 2010, there has been substantial interest in Impact Investments around the world, particularly in Social Impact Bonds. The establishment of the Social Finance Global Network (SFGN) reflects the growth in demand for innovative financing tools to solve social problems. SFGN currently leads the world in developing Social Impact Bonds, having launched the most SIBs, raising over $140M as of 2017. SFGN works closely with its partners, leveraging its international network and expertise to innovate, scaling the reach of the global Impact Investment sector. Social Finance Israel Social Finance Israel Social Finance Israel Social Finance Israel SOCIAL FINANCE ISRAEL | What We Do Social Finance Israel works in cooperation with government bodies, including the Ministries of Finance, Health, Economics, Social Affairs, and Education, the National Economic Council, the Prime Minister´s Office and the National Insurance Institute. Social Impact Bonds Impact Investment Advisory Site Map About Social Impact Bonds Impact Advisory Practice Resources Contact Us Investor Inquiry Volunteer sign up STEM Interactive Map Mailing List Newsletter For news and updates Join our mailing list E-mail Contact Us Social Finance Israel 17 Eliezer Kaplan Tel Aviv, Israel 6473418 Tel: 03-632-9881 Fax: 03-632-9882 info@socialfinance.org.il