HOMEABOUT OUTCOMES IMPACT RESOURCESNEWS IMPACT_Tulsa_Logo_big An unprecedented partnership connecting over 200 organizations impacting 170,000+ students. VISION All students are guaranteed a high-quality education. MISSION ImpactTulsa aligns the community to provide a pathway for all students to thrive. GOAL Be a model of excellence by dramatically improving student achievement outcomes. As a member of the national strive together network, ImpactTulsa seeks to improve education for every child. ImpactTulsa is a partnership of leaders from education, business, philanthropic, nonprofit, civic and faith communities who all believe education is the key to the prosperity of our community. The ImpactTulsa education partners represent over 170,000 students in the Tulsa region. the_problem THE PROBLEM The “old way” of doing things isn’t working. We are program rich and system poor. the_solution THE SOLUTION Joint accountability and data-driven decision making will collectively move student outcomes. HowWeGetThere HOW WE GET THERE A new way of working together so that all students have access to education. THE PROBLEM The Tulsa region is home to nearly 30% of Oklahoma’s population. Throughout our community, teachers, nonprofits, parents and volunteers work hard to improve educational outcomes for our students. We have made progress over the years, but while Tulsa is home to some of the best education program models and innovative ideas in the country, we have not yet achieved the kind of success that is necessary to support the future of our regional economy. Using data as a flashlight, not a hammer. THE SOLUTION “Measure What Matters, Identify Effective Practices, Align Resources” It all starts with using data to inform decision-making in our region that all students have access to the education and community-based resources they need to succeed. As a community, we are moving away from the old way of using arbitrary data as a hammer, and instead finding new ways of working together by using relevant data as a flashlight that guides both resources and investments. No longer is education just the job of administrators and teachers, it’s a community responsibility and we are ALL accountable. HOW WE GET THERE These challenges signal a need for our community to find new ways to work together to help students succeed. The unprecedented ImpactTulsa partnership addresses that need. We are committed to ensuring the community’s collective efforts are aligned toward boosting student success. When our region agrees on common education outcomes we no longer are a collection of good programs, but instead we become a community with a first class education system that guarantees each student receives a high-quality education. Coming together, defining goals, taking action together and sharing accountability…We call this collective impact. ABOUT US ImpactTulsa measures what matters. We identify and share best practices from across the United States. We align resources to achieve transformative impact. This is the new way of working together. It is collective impact. Continue reading. LATEST TWEETS @PARENTING magazine pulled together a great list of STEM-based learning toys for Christmas gifts. Encourage your ch… HTTPS://T.CO/UXGZK1CQLA 4 DAYS AGO This holiday season, let’s all work to make sure children’s basic needs are met. This is why school nutrition progr… HTTPS://T.CO/VFRQAFHBKG 6 DAYS AGO RECENT NEWS AND BLOG EQUITY IN EDUCATION: DEFINING EQUITY, EQUALITY, AND STANDARDIZATION IMPACTTULSA NAMES MAYOR G.T BYNUM AS NEW LEADERSHIP COUNCIL CHAIR STRIVE TOGETHER CONFERENCE 2019: TOGETHER WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE! STATE OF EDUCATION: HOW INNOVATIVE APPROACHES CAN INCREASE POSTSECONDARY COMPLETION IN OKLAHOMA SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER CONTACT US ImpactTulsa 907 S. Detroit Avenue, Suite 600 Tulsa, OK 74120 918-271-5100 INFO@IMPACTTULSA.COM