The American Institute for Innovative Apprenticeship was established to expand and maintain high quality apprenticeship programs in the United States. The Institute was created by Dr. Robert Lerman, a leading scholar on apprenticeship in the U.S. AIIA also has the support of an experienced and talented Advisory Board. Find out more about them on our Advisory Board Bios page. AIIA believes that a large apprenticeship system can increase youth employment, improve the matching of skills and jobs, lower inequality, enhance skills and productivity, and diversify routes to rewarding careers. Competency-Based Occupational Frameworks In October 2015, AIIA helped convene an international team led by the Urban Institute to develop Competency-Based Occupational Frameworks (CBOFs) for the U.S. Department of Labor. The CBOFs will help employers and their partners develop competency-based apprenticeships and register them with the Department. The team will also provide technical assistance to employers and others who want to use the new frameworks to develop registered apprenticeships. Ultimately, the group will build a resource that connects all apprenticeship stakeholders: employers, employees, educational institutions and labor market systems. More information about the CBOFs and the project can be found here.