About Us The National Copyright Unit (NCU) is a specialist copyright team responsible for copyright policy and administration for Australian schools and TAFE. It advises and supports the Copyright Advisory Group (CAG), an advisory group of the Education Council. CAG members include Federal, State and Territory Departments of Education, all Catholic Education Offices, the Independent Schools Council of Australia and the TAFE sector (excluding Victorian TAFEs). Under the Australian Constitution, copyright is a federal responsibility while education is managed by the states and territories. CAG ensures co-ordination and co-operation between the states and territories in relation to copyright as a national issue. The NCU is based in Sydney and consists of the National Copyright Director, National Copyright Manager, Senior Officer and Executive Assistant. Its primary responsibilities include: Negotiating and managing statutory and voluntary licences with copyright collecting societies on behalf of schools and TAFE Liaising with other education sectors and industry bodies on copyright policy issues Preparing submissions to Government inquiries on educational copyright issues Providing specialist copyright advice to jurisdictions on copyright issues affecting schools and TAFE Implementing Smart Copying initiatives, including the use of Open Education Resources, designed to reduce the cost of copying within schools. All inquiries about the National Copyright Unit should be directed to: National Copyright Unit Level 7, 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 Telephone: 02 7814 3855 Email: smartcopying@det.nsw.edu.au