American paint and coating company
People Have Given To
People with positions in The Sherwin-Williams Company have made donations to
Republican National Committee $188,950 James C Boland, Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Curtis E Moll, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker, Catherine M Kilbane
Invacare Corporation Political Action Committee Aka Inva PAC $115,580 James C Boland, Aaron Malachi Mixon III
National Republican Congressional Committee $111,751 Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Curtis E Moll, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker
Boehner for Speaker Cmte $107,000 Christopher M Connor, Aaron Malachi Mixon III
Mitt Romney $88,900 James C Boland, Christopher M Connor, Curtis E Moll, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker, Catherine M Kilbane, John M Stropki Jr
Rob Portman $82,253 Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Curtis E Moll, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker, Catherine M Kilbane, John M Stropki Jr
Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee $71,700 Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker, Catherine M Kilbane, John M Stropki Jr
George Voinovich $62,400 James C Boland, Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker, Arthur F Anton, John M Stropki Jr, Timothy A Knight
Pioneer Political Action Committee $52,994 James C Boland, Aaron Malachi Mixon III
Northern Ohio Victory Committee $48,000 Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Richard K Smucker
Mike DeWine $41,850 James C Boland, Richard J Kramer, Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Curtis E Moll, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker, John M Stropki Jr, Timothy A Knight
John McCain $40,700 Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker, John M Stropki Jr
John Boehner $34,650 James C Boland, Christopher M Connor, Robert W Mahoney, Gary E McCullough, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker, John M Stropki Jr
Stark County Republican Party $33,450 Robert W Mahoney
National Republican Senatorial Committee $30,600 Aaron Malachi Mixon III
New Day for America $25,000 Aaron Malachi Mixon III
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee $24,200 Robert W Mahoney, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Richard K Smucker
Steven C Latourette $23,900 Christopher M Connor, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, John M Stropki Jr
Johnson & Johnson Political Action Committee $20,000 Christine A Poon
Josh Mandel $19,000 Christopher M Connor, Aaron Malachi Mixon III, Catherine M Kilbane, John M Stropki Jr
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Updated 12 months ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Public Company
Revenue 8.01 Billion
Aliases IRS EIN 34-0526850, Sherwin-Williams
Region US and Canada