Family owned construction and real estate business founded in 1873
People Have Given To
People with positions in Gilbane have made donations to
Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee $51,000 Ronald L Skates, John P Fowler
New Day for America $50,000 Thomas F Gilbane III
Republican National Committee $31,050 Ronald L Skates, William A Petzold
Mitt Romney $26,800 Ronald L Skates, Franz Ferdinand Colloredo-Mansfeld, John P Fowler, Robert V Gilbane
David Cicilline $18,900 Paul J Choquette Jr, William Gilbane Jr, Robert V Gilbane
Chris Dodd $17,700 Paul J Choquette Jr, Vincent M O'Reilly, William Gilbane Jr, Edward J Cooney, John P Fowler, Robert V Gilbane, Thomas F Gilbane III
National Republican Congressional Committee $16,350 Ronald L Skates, John P Fowler
Mary Bono Mack $15,000 John P Fowler
James Langevin $11,995 Paul J Choquette Jr, William Gilbane Jr, Robert V Gilbane
George W Bush $11,000 Ronald L Skates, Paul J Choquette Jr, William Gilbane Jr, John P Fowler
Jack Reed $10,550 Paul J Choquette Jr, William Gilbane Jr, Edward J Cooney, Robert V Gilbane
Ed Markey $10,250 Ronald L Skates, Vincent M O'Reilly, William Gilbane Jr
John Kerry $10,000 Paul J Choquette Jr, Vincent M O'Reilly, William Gilbane Jr, John P Fowler
Patrick Joseph Kennedy $9,750 Paul J Choquette Jr, William Gilbane Jr
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee $7,750 Paul J Choquette Jr, William Gilbane Jr, Robert V Gilbane
David Timothy Dreier $5,800 Ronald L Skates
Scott P Brown $5,250 Ronald L Skates, William Gilbane Jr
Sheldon Whitehouse $5,250 William Gilbane Jr
Judd Alan Gregg $5,000 William Gilbane Jr, J Bonnie Newman
Commonwealth PAC, the $5,000 Ronald L Skates
Updated about 13 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Private Company
Start date 1873
Revenue 2.79 Billion