Global advertising and marketing communications services holding company
People Have Given To
People with positions in Omnicom Group Inc. have made donations to
Albert Einstein College of Medicine $25,000,000 David Gottesman
The Lincoln Project $100,000 Jonathan M Nelson
Democratic National Committee $79,750 Linda Johnson Rice, Alan R Batkin, David Gottesman, Jonathan M Nelson
Republican National Committee $28,500 Robert A Profusek, Leonard S Coleman Jr, Jonathan M Nelson
Romney Victory $25,000 Jonathan M Nelson
Barack Obama $20,000 Linda Johnson Rice, Thomas L Harrison, Jonathan M Nelson
Chuck Schumer $19,800 Robert A Profusek, Thomas L Harrison, John Wren, Alan R Batkin, David Gottesman, Jonathan M Nelson
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $16,500 Linda Johnson Rice, Jonathan M Nelson
Lincoln Davenport Chafee $16,000 Jonathan M Nelson
Nita M Lowey $13,000 Alan R Batkin, David Gottesman
George W Bush $13,000 Leonard S Coleman Jr, Bruce Crawford, Alan R Batkin
Kweisi Mfume $10,936 Linda Johnson Rice
Rudy Giuliani $10,200 Thomas L Harrison, John Wren, Alan R Batkin
New Jersey Republican State Committee $10,135 Leonard S Coleman Jr
Rhode Island Republican State Central Committee $10,000 Jonathan M Nelson
Washington State Republican Party $10,000 Jonathan M Nelson
T-Mobile USA Inc. Political Action Committee (T-PAC) $10,000 Jonathan M Nelson
Chafee Rhode Island Victory 2006 $10,000 Jonathan M Nelson
Hillary Clinton $7,900 Linda Johnson Rice, Alan R Batkin, Jonathan M Nelson
Jack Reed $7,600 Jonathan M Nelson