Maya MacGuineas
director of fiscal policy program, New America Foundation
Isabel V Sawhill
A nationally known budget expert, Isabel Sawhill focuses on domestic poverty and federal fiscal policy. She is also co-director of the Center on Children and Families at the Brookings Institution.
C Eugene Steuerle
Co-director of Tax Policy Center; senior fellow at Urban Institute; architect of 1986 Tax Reform Act
Robert L Bixby
Executive Director of the Concord Coalition since 1999
Robert D Reischauer
Urban Institute president; CBO director under Bush I and Clinton
Alan Greenspan
13th chair of the Federal Reserve
Roger Ferguson
Chief Investment Officer, Red Cell; Former President & CEO TIAA-CRef
Paul Volcker
Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Board (Appointed 11-26-08)
Alice M Rivlin
senior fellow at Brookings
Douglas Holtz-Eakin
Economist; former director of CBO; former senior policy adviser to McCain campaign