John W Rowe
Chairman Emeritus - Exelon Corporation
Warren Stephens
President and Chief Executive Officer of Stephens Inc
Paul Singer
Vulture-Fund Billionaire | General Partner at Elliott Management Corporation
Howard D Groff
Retired Executive at Northwest Excavating - Northridge California
Susan Groff
Retired Northwest Excavating - Northridge California
Roy Pfautch
International Public Affairs Consultant, Civic Service - St Louis
Randy Feenstra
US Representative from Iowa (2021-current)
William F Duhamel Jr
Founding Principal and Route One Investment Company,; former Managing Member Farallon Capital
Tatnall Lea Hillman
Aspen, Colorado son of billionaire John Hartwell Hillman Jr.
Pete Brownell
Former NRA president; CEO, Brownells - Grinnell Iowa