Board Members
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Steven B. Pfeiffer
Partner, Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
Member, Board of Directors
Judith Scheide
Retired, Princeton New Jersey
Member, Board of Directors
Reince Priebus
Trump former Chief of Staff; chairman, Republican National Committee
Adebayo O Ogunlesi
Chairman & Managing Partner, Global Infrastructure Partners
Member, Board of Directors
Jonathan Soros
Son of billionaire philanthropist and businessman George Soros, Democratic Party-oriented contributor
Member, Board of Directors
Michael R Klein
Co-founder of Sunlight Foundation
Member, Board of Directors
Joanne Kozberg
Partner at California Strategies; UC Regent
Southern California director
Deval Patrick
71st Governor of Massachusetts
David E Kendall
Partner at WIlliams & Connolly LLP and Private Attorney for President Bill Clinton.
Member, Board of Directors
Gerald S Adolph
Chair, Board of Trustees