Federal Election Campaign Contributions
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John McCain
US Senator and Representative from Arizona
5 contributions · 4,300 USD (Feb 6 '07→Aug 8 '08)
Chuck Schumer
US Senator, former Representative from New York
5 contributions · 4,250 USD (Jun 9 '95→Sep 23 '03)
Dick Zimmer
Representative from New Jersey
6 contributions · 4,000 USD (Jun 12 '95→Sep 26 '00)
Carolyn Maloney
US Representative from New York (1993-present)
9 contributions · 4,000 USD (Jun 4 '93→Jun 6 '04)
Chris Christie
Former New Jersey Governor
2 contributions · 4,000 USD (Aug 25 '15)
Republican National Committee
U.S. political committee that leads the Republican Party of the U.S., a/k/a The Grand Ol' Party/GOP
6 contributions · 3,920 USD (Apr 3 '98→Jan 16 '15)
Sue W Kelly
US Representative from New York
4 contributions · 3,500 USD (Jun 30 '98→Aug 27 '01)
Philip Sheridan English
Lobbyist, former US Representative from Pennsylvania
5 contributions · 3,500 USD (Oct 22 '96→Sep 6 '02)
Bob Dole
former US Representative and Senator from Kansas | lobbyist
4 contributions · 3,000 USD (Jul 25 '95→Feb 7 '96)
Robert Guy Torricelli
Lobbyist, former US Representative and Senator from New Jersey
3 contributions · 3,000 USD (Feb 28 '97→Mar 11 '99)